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We continuously fund people to build a better future

What's happening?

Latest updates from the Vrbs community.

GM! It was such a beautiful day, so we decided to head to the beach and do a little cleanup. We managed to collect two sacks of trash and made sure to dispose of it properly. 🌊 ♻️
Our proposal #22 - ‘"Vrbs on Colombia" is ready to vote on! @dcot @nadiecito.eth @danib88 🇨🇴 ▀▄▀ https://vrbs.build/vrbs/dao/proposals/22
The Creation of VrbsDAO /vrbs Connect at vrbs.build
Day 2 of December. Another bunch of trash, and an update on the RV!! https://youtu.be/ff9lu3_TG_Y?si=H6y3GbdpIg_RfrUs
New wave will comingg!! #VRBSVictorious
GM Vrbs Inspired by @taroron to create some food art
Another solar street light has been added to the community. Thanks to Vrbs for shining more light to my local community.
Serving with ▀▄▀ Free meal tickets are limited But do notice at times there are others who also donate to the movement Small effort; lasting impact
▀▄▀ vrbing kara-age🔥🔥🔥

One Vrb, Every Day, Forever

  • Every day, the community picks their favorite Vrb to auction. Each Vrb is worth 1,000 votes.
  • Anyone can create the next Vrb. The artist earns a 50% cut of the auction proceeds in the form of ETH and Vrb Votes.
  • Artists have earned 7.209 ETH and 115.7k votes so far.