
Pixel Artist Residency

Da Cirkus

My formal background is in the film industry. I've worked on everything from independent films to corporate commercials, and Hollywood blockbusters. I took the production knowledge I gained there and applied it to create Da Cirkus. The goal was to develop a production pipeline in the most cost-effective way possible. Obviously, pixels were a perfect match.

I am an autodidact. I've touched every part of the creative production process. My first animation was in 7th grade where I made stop motion out of my legos. Since then I've experimented with every form of animation, games, and film that there is. I pride myself on being able to handle to production process from inception to compleation.

I would be taking the vrbs characters and implementing them into animations and games. I would love to get them dancing around and having fun with my characters Da Performers. I think there are a lot of possibilities where we can take it. Maybe it's the kind of thing where we get community feedback on the stories.

Yes! I've been building out a world. I created these pixel characters called Da performers. I've been implementing them in games, animations, and films! I aim to continue expanding upon this world and collaborating with other projects.

I do this full-time. I could give at least part of 3-5 days a week depending on other projects in the pipeline.

15-30 hours

I think the concept behind vrbs is awesome. We we need more community activations and doa's like this or nouns. I'm probably biased due to my love of pixel art but I think the aesthetic has a lot of room to run with as well.

I think I strive the most with lifting up other people's IP. I created this production pipeline and it feels selfish to use it only for myself. Some of my favorite works have come from lifting up other people's IP. I would love to do that here as well.


Vrbs Grants.
A program for dreamers.