Solidarity Lunch Box
We are a community that brings a small gesture of love, keeping the hunger of those who need help. Today the project only brings food but we want to bring clothes and blankets too, we are always looking to join forces to bring more social impact.
Basic description.
Short Term Goal
Brief description of the shoIn the short term we want to increase the capacity to bring more lunchboxes for distribution,rt term goals for the project.
North Star
The thinking in the long term We want to have a space for an NGO. where we bring Web3 resources and education and partner with companies to bring opportunities to those trained within the NGO. vision or ultimate goal of the project.
Brief background of the author, including relevant experience well: I'm known as Torepa in WEB3, I'm one of the creators of Marmita Solidaria and I'm always looking to bring improvements to the project qualifications.
Success Metrics
What will be We are bringing a social impact in search of a world with less suffering and more love. to measure the success of the project.
Other info
If there is anyone here in São Paulo and wants to know the project or even become one of the members, just call me and I will pass on all the information.