
Run Vrbs account on X

What's your background?

I am an artist/illustrator/animator from Durban South Africa. Been working in crypto since 2020. I was Art lead on a project for PeopleDAO (For The People NFT recently released), did art work for an earlier iteration of BuidlGuidl, and was Art lead on an NFT Start-up called NFMe Galaxy. Worked freelance with Pizza DAO and have done some fan-art/animation for Nouns and submitted 11 pieces to the Grounds project. I am currently working to revive an NFT painting platform called and about to release a trading card project with Buidl Guidl called ONchain Mechas.

What will youii be doing?

I am an Art centric person. Much of what I would do if manning the X account would involve an artists perspective. I would be interested in learning how to grow an x account in real terms.

Time you can commit

I would allocate up to an hour a day to posting and sharing VRBs content on X - take into consideration my time zone (if that would be a factor)

Why you care about Vrbs?

I love the creativity-first vibe of VRBs. Im a huge fan of nouns and the nouns fundraising and distribution model I love the types of crazy projects that grow out of it. I also love the wild pixel art of the VRBs. I am currently co-running the NiftyInk X account so you can check the posts happening on that site for an idea of my perspective.

Vrbs Grants.
A program for dreamers.