
Pixel Artist Residency

What's your background?

Write a few words about your experience and interests

I am argus, i have been a pixel artist for 3 years now. i have expierience on game art and nfts art. animation. ive work with many people on crypto space. you can see my portfolio below and other links on my twitter bio.


What will you be doing?

Maybe you already have some creative ideas?

id like to tell a story so i would make a series. i have a couple ideas but im not sure for now. still finalizing. but im willing whatever needed.

Time you can commit

How much time per week can you allocate?

im a full time pixel artist right now so probably 20hrs per week or more

Why you care about Vrbs?

Why you think you're a good fit for this grant?

i honestly my first try doing art on vrbs thought i can get to the top but it weighs me down when too many competetions join and got outbid from points. now would like to try again and feel confident about more of myself. never stop creating until they recognizes you and love your art which what ive been doing and one of my goal in the space. as well as encourage more artist that feels the same way as me before. to create more and more. as well as bring more people to the this project specially that the goal is to artist.


Vrbs Grants.
A program for dreamers.