
Help people in need

What's your background?

I'm an Electrical Engineer by profession, A full time crypto trader now who is passionate about using crypto to drive positive change in my community.

Write a few words about your experience and interests

I love learning and teaching what I learned as I'm a former grade school teacher,I'm an avid book reader, I dabble in electric circuits too. Right now I'm learning to be a smart contract developer and crypto trader too!. I also love doing charity and helping people in need in own little way.

What will you be doing?

There are a lot of homeless out of school children in my community sadly whom instead of being in school they are on the streets begging for food. By using this grant to provide food for them,It will enable me to enroll them in school which is a massive help as early education is important for a child development.

Maybe you already have some creative ideas?

Apart from feeding out of school children, I can still also donate some food items to elderly persons and the orphanage too.

Time you can commit

I'm self employed so I can commit as much time as possible as this initiative aligns with my own interests too.

How much time per week can you allocate?

I can allocate 40 hours to 50 hours per week or more. However long it takes to get the task/job done.

Why you care about Vrbs? Vrbs reminds me of the core tenets of crypto which is decentralization, providing value no matter where you are from. I love what the team is building and I'm excited to support the community too.

Why you think you're a good fit for this grant?

As a former primary school teacher from Nigeria who taught out-of-school children for free, I have firsthand experience helping those in need. My background of humble beginnings gives me a deep understanding of the challenges faced by underprivileged communities. I'm committed to consistent engagement, skilled at maximizing limited resources, and focused on providing both immediate assistance and long-term empowerment. My combination of relevant experience, empathy, and dedication makes me well-suited to create meaningful impact with this grant.

Vrbs Grants.
A program for dreamers.