
Help those in need

What's your background?

Write a few words about your experience and interests

Self taught illustrator that grew up underprivileged I got my life together and graduated with honours in college for graphic design. I’m currently going through the toughest time of my life I don’t know if this qualifies but I was home invaded and got my laptop and phone stolen as a digital artist my laptop is my life and I only have a 3rd of the funds to buy a new one. I can’t get out bed from my depression and I’m struggling severely on the verge of homelessness any minute.

What will you be doing?

Maybe you already have some creative ideas?

im willing to put my all into any collab or project you would want me to do my style is anime and I have a written project and base for my nft project I just need a laptop and I could make money again.

Time you can commit

How much time per week can you allocate?

24/7 365

Why you care about Vrbs?

Why you think you're a good fit for this grant? I’m a good fit cause I know what it’s like to be down and out as someone with a severe disability I’ve gone through hell and back my entire life and I’m just sick of it I’m willing to work my heart out for whatever you ask of me once I obtain my laptop. Feel free to check my work I’m sure you’ll be impressed.

Thank you and I pray to hear from you!

Vrbs Grants.
A program for dreamers.