
Illustrators Residency

What's your background?

๐Ÿฃ Hi Hi~ I'm CHickChick, Just Chick !! I'm artiest form Thailand. I liked to draw cute thing as a child. I didn't study at faculty of Arts But I like to keep drawing, keep practicing. So I really LOVE to do it ๐Ÿ’•

What will you be doing?

๐Ÿ’• Vrbs in Cute style

Time you can commit

๐Ÿ•— I like to create art nighttime. Night is my creative time. So about 20 - 34 hr/week.

Why you care about Vrbs?

๐Ÿ˜Š Cuz Vrbs made me to meet lovely community, And I very happy about that!!

Vrbs Grants.
A program for dreamers.