Impact in Vrbs

No impact yet...

No impact yet...


“how could the vrbs site help create and foster more builders / artists in the community?”—@rocketman For the visual boost. You can comment or use the frame— any ideas are welcome as well.
I just minted my own Vrbie backs into Bush I love this sooo much It’s split with /vrbs 🤘🏼 even better
I’m working on some ideas
Hosting Audio Room at @farhouse @vrbs hangout tonight, in 1 hour. Join in to listen:
@rocketman & @vrbs -- another idea I had is maybe we can run a /bounties for a vrbish @moshicam border!
"The Vrbs purpose, taken largely from 4156’s answer to “What does it mean to be nounish”, calls us to reorient our collective consciousness to a culture that rewards positive impact and public good. The building blocks we have put in place with Vrbs open up a massive new design space for experimentation and innovation in line with these ideals. We need to build tools that help us direct our time and energy towards the common good. Help people come together with friends to uplift their local communities. Steward public spaces in a time when legacy institutions are failing us. Create positive externalities that regenerate the world and the lives of everyone in it. Ultimately, help people envision the positive future that is within reach, if only we can come together to build it." Continuing my deep dive on all things vrbish-- ANOTHER WORLD IS POSSIBLE!
Hosting @vrbs FC hangout —at @farhouse tomorrow at 8PM EST App invite code: wypoj7 Join in to listen: This space will be recorded with myself and @rocketman — we intend to keep the lounge open for 60-90 minutes. (That way I don’t miss too much of the Power Hour with @pichi )